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Writer's pictureTika Jade

2021 Word

You may have seen the trend going around where people are choosing their word of the year. You choose the word that best represents the year you want to have, or for those real manifesting people out there (that would be me), the year you are having . As we all agree on, 2020 was a hard year. There was good, bad, happy, sad, ups and downs. Everyone treated the last day of 2020 and the first day of 2021 like it was literally going to wipe the slate clean. Like midnight hits and COVID is gone, politics are no more, and everything goes back to the way it was. No masks, groups of people together, eating out, and travel. Well not only is that far from how it works, the only thing that changes is the end of the date you see on the calendar, written on paper, or displayed on your electronics 1/1/2021.⬅There is your change. Unless you make the change. “Nothing Changes, if Nothing Changes”

The only way things will get better in this crazy unbelievable world is if you make a change. If we all make a change for the better, to better ourselves, to be better for others, that will make real change. For the last 2 years I have chosen my word for the year. So, this is not new to me. When I first did this, I felt as though it made me focus on what I wanted for that new year. It grounded me to make sure I thought of that word every time I was straying away from what I wanted to do. Now, this does not mean I did not mess up and totally forget my word and have to start over day after day. There were times, thank you Lord I wrote it down, because I could not even remember what it was. The point of having a specific word for the year ahead is to give you a baseline, an outline, or a guide to make change, or in my case this year keep moving “FORWARD”.

That is right, my word this year is “FORWARD.” Let's take a side road here for a second. Have any of you seen the kids Disney movie “Meet the Robinsons”? Well, if not I highly recommend! Great feel-good family movie with good lessons for everyone! Anyway, the movie follows an orphan boy through his who is an inventor, he goes through a lot of hard times, but eventually his life turns around and he grows up to be this amazing inventor that has a motto “Keep Moving Forward”! This motto is what made him this great inventor and made his life better than he could ever dream of. There is obviously more to the story, but I do not want to ruin it for you. The point I am making with this is no matter what happens, all you can do to make things better, figure things out, fix a problem is “Forward”.

Here is a little break down of what this word means to me:

F- Faith and Focus

My faith is number one and everything to me. I believe in God and he has saved me and continues to save me every day I have Faith in him. I will keep Faith first and the most important part of moving forward. Faith will move you forward, Faith in God, Faith in Yourself, and Faith in the way you want to live your life.

Focus is what I will be doing every day. Focus, on what is important to me and how I am moving forward despite what is going on around me, Focus on God, and the path I am meant to be on. Focus is what will separate me from all the crazy, confusing, outrage going on in the world. Stay in my lane and do not worry about anyone elses.

O-Open and Organized

I am making sure I am open to all that comes my way. I will be open to change, adventures, blessings, ups and downs. This gives me the opportunity to be the best version of myself in every situation.

I will be organized throughout everything that I do. I am an organized person as it is, so making sure I am organized with work, health, home life, social life, and business will set me up for success. I will purge/ and organize clutter in my life, this will help me to be clear and open minded this year.


Respect for myself and respect for others. I will respect what I believe, my values, and all that I stand for. But, I will also respect others opinions, criticisms, and boundaries.


I will work hard this year to make my dreams a reality. Grow my goals, make my passions my career and live the life I am meant to live. Everyday I will make sure to do something that moves me forward in my plans.


I will apply myself this year. I will concentrate on my abilities, concentrate on what is most important to me. I will put all my efforts into what I want. I will apply myself at home, in my health, in my marriage, and at work.


I am removing all that does not serve me; negative people, bad attitudes, plans that do not align with what I have planned. If it is not a HELL YES! Then it is a HELL NO!


With all the above being said, I will dominate all that I set out to accomplish. I will keep this mindset and that is how I will succeed. I will move forward and dominate.

So, what is your word of 2021? It does not have to be one word, it can be a sentence, a phrase, a statement, it can even be 2 words. If anything this will get you thinking about what you want, how you want to live, and what makes you the best version of yourself everyday. Leave a comment or send me a message of what your word is. I would love to know.

“If I keep moving forward, I will succeed in all I set out to do.”-Tika Jade

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Tika Jade
Tika Jade
Jan 15, 2021

I love that! What a wonderful word!!! Thank you for sharing!


Jan 15, 2021

Beauty. Find beauty in everything and everyone. Beause it is there.


Tika Jade
Tika Jade
Jan 14, 2021

Thank you mom! Your support means so much to me! You are one of the reasons I Keep Moving Forward! 💚


Jan 14, 2021

The continued motivation and encouragement that you exude is breathtaking. I enjoy every read and I continue to watch you move forward into amazingness. Thank you for this.

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